TRANSPARENT PHYSICAL ASSET TRACKINGProviding the core infrastructure and standards to securely trace physical assets and create tamper proof data events for tokenization.WHY GRAMCHAINProviding tracking of physical assets with an unmatched transparencyGramChain enables users to digitally track their assets such as gold, silver, luxury goods, artwork, antiques, and other valuable items. The platform provides a secure, immutable, and reliable way to keep track of asset history, ownership, and authenticity. This ensures that buyers and sellers can trust that the asset they are buying or selling is legitimate and exactly as described. You can integrate GramChain into your systems and services to build on top of our existing infrastructure.
ASSET TRACKINGStoring data as standardized events to uniquely identify parcelsGramChain is a blockchain-enabled platform that provides a transparent way of tracking data events, making it easy to answer the "where, who and what" questions. By leveraging distributed ledger technology, GramChain creates a secure, immutable record of all data events. This allows users to track the origin and movement of any asset, creating greater transparency and accountability.
Where the assets are?VAULTPhysical location, insurer and storage provider.
Who has custody?CUSTODYThe entity that controls the parcel.
What the assets are used for?UTILIZATIONWether the parcel is pledged for a service (e.g. collateral for a loan)
GRAMCHAIN EXPLOREROffering a unique solution to trace physical assets
GramChain’s Data is Publicly AuditableGramChain’s tracking data is public and can be audited via the Explorer. This data can include test results, images of the assets, serial numbers, NFC data and more. This empowers anyone to become an auditor and greatly increases the chance that any unlikely improprieties will be identified and resolved quickly.
ASSET VALUATIONGramChain stores and processes valuation data for physical assetsBy leveraging distributed ledger technology, GramChain allows to securely store data related to the value of physical assets. The valuation of any item can be accessed and checked publicly. This creates a very transparent foundation to automate transactions and processes like collateralization for a loan. Therefore GramChain enables faster and more secure financial transactions involving physical assets, making it a valuable tool for asset owners and institutions.
Gold, Silver, Nickel and rare earth elements are valued on their pure metal content according to current spot prices automatically.PARCEL CATEGORY / TYPEBULLION / BAR
GROSS MASS1000 Grams
MASS999.9 grams
VALUATION999.9 gr x AU Spot
COMMODITY VALUATION EXAMPLE42,753 USD based of Gold Spot (999.9 gr x 42.75728 USD) or (32.147531 t oz x 1,329.90 USD)
NOTESYear 2000 Steel Model
APPRAISAL EVENT VALUATIONe.g. 11,000 USD A specialized third party provides an appraisal of the asset.
GRAMCHAIN MULTI-PARTY ECOSYSTEMVaults, Custodians and Service Providers each log specialized events, creating an ecosystem of services centered upon the assets.Before issuing a secured loan, a potential lender for e.g. might require:Event-driven architecture for different parties to interact in a standardized, automated and secure way
The asset to be scanned and recorded by the vault.
The asset to be assigned to the lender by the vault to lock the asset.
An independent parcel appraisal by a service provider to ensure the asset is genuine and liquid.
A STRONG FOUNDATIONThe Three Pillars of TransparencyThe Three Pillars of Transparency are essential to securely track physical assets. The data origin guarantee helps ensure that the stored data is accurate and verifiable. The data immutability ensures the data stored on the blockchain is secure and immutable, preventing any tampering or manipulation of the data. Finally, the data can be audited publicly allowing anyone to audit the records on the blockchain, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the data. These pillars are essential for GramChain to provide trust and accountability in the tracking of physical assets on the blockchain.
The asset to be scanned and recorded by the vault.
The asset to be assigned to the lender by the vault to lock the asset.
An independent parcel appraisal by a service provider to ensure the asset is genuine and liquid.
GramChain’s Data Origin GuaranteeEvent Data comes directly from the responsible party (e.g. a storage facility via tamper evident RFID chips and scanners). Data is always traceable back to its origin. No intermediaries and no reliance upon paperwork or any external system(s).
DEVICE (HASHED & SALTED)A63D72F56F57BF68153581511A417342C90CFBD0945DF1FB7107B18CF2A3ABC7
Anonymized Public Data
OPERATOR (HASHED & SALTED)110EB102CF78A083AADE761EDABB0E6D2F72A236E5D966539351C18051620743
Anonymized Public Data
(e.g. Vault statement for assignment event)
GramChain’s Data ImmutabilityEach event’s data is hashed and broadcasted live to a public blockchain. Raw event data is publicly visible in JSON format in the GramChain Explorer. Anybody can hash the raw data to validate it.
Hash created from event data
Hash broadcasted to public blockchain
RFID / GCID - Primary Tracking IDPrior Event Hash - creates an event chain to prove the event order
"Event": {
"EventDate": "2020-09-15T07:52:15.6261203Z",
"EventTypeCode": "Scan",
"Initiator": "TSH_SIN1",
"DeviceHash": "227a6efed2735c03fb1cede8
"OperatorHash": "dd0af7d5affe74a4c4633fa
"DocumentHash": "",
"EventNoteHash": ""
Event Document
"Parcel": {
"ParcelName": "1kg AU bar-V32139",
"ItemTypeCode":" bar",
"BrandCode": "METALOR",
"SerialNR": "V32139",
"ItemQuantity": 1,
"GrossGrams": 1000,
"ImageHash": "7969da63a25601cd6ffaa38126469268
"Purity": 0.9999
Parcel Photo
"Status": {
GramChain’s Data is Public*GramChain data is publicly visible and searchable via the GramChain explorer making anyone a potential auditor and greatly increasing the chance that any unlikely improprieties are found quickly.
*Sensitive data are published in a hashed and salted format to provide a public audit trail with proof on a need to know basis. This can include documents of any type.
Little Bit Pte Ltd6 Changi South Street 3Singapore 486128